Global Reach

We have supported global works of compassion such as the building of an eye clinic in war-torn Sudan. (below)

The picture above is of the maternity clinic near the Namitango mission in Malawi.

Messiah Theological Institute in Mbale, Uganda.

In the early centuries baptismal candidates often underwent lengthy periods of preparation for discipleship before they were immersed. Baptism marked a profound death to self and a tangible re-creation within a new communal life. At its best our local work remains about nurturing relationships in this distinctive spirituality. 

Yet, integral to that spirituality is the recereation of a particular place.  Christ's resurrection presence is being made manifest in numerous local mission works.  We try to help low income families enter affordable housing by redeveloping housing just East of Speedway.  This is turning into a full-fledged community development project with new neighborhood associations which we call the Alton Alternative.   We have long taught an after-school art program called Art Sparks Imagination which is now developing into a full Before and After School program which we call Enriched. Enriched goal is to witness to God's love for working families by providing after school care that includes every kind of spiritual, artiistic, physical and academic enrichment. We also conduct a Mom's Morning Out ministry for stay-at-home mothers. 

We support the following ministries:

local Scholarships

Christian Relief Fund

South Houston Bible Institute

Camp Wabashi

Hoosier HisTeria

Mbale, Uganda

Namikango, Malawi